Как смывает людей с рифа. How the waves flood peoples out of the reef. #fishing #рыбалка #釣魚 #pesca #reef #риф #mefik — from Instagram By mefik16 ноября, 2020 https://mefik.ru/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/kak-smyvaet-lyudey-s-rifa.-how-the-waves-flood-peoples-out-of-the-reef.-fishing-rybalka-釣魚-pesca.mp4 Как смывает людей с рифа. How the waves flood peoples out of the reef. #fishing #рыбалка #釣魚 #pesca #reef #риф #mefik Рубрики: Instagram Статьи по теме Thanks captains Dika Partama @dikapartama03 and Dek de Oka for the great fishing trips! #fishing #рыбалка #釣魚 #pesca #mancing #mefik #indonesia #bali — from Instagram By mefik4 недели назад Red Devil fish of lake Batur, which is caldera of Batur volcano. #fishing #рыбалка #釣魚 #pesca #mancing #mefik #reddevil #batur #baturlake — from Instagram By mefik4 недели назад Trophy ruby landed! But, ok, not real ruby, this is Rusty Jobfish. It’s even better — new specie!!!! #fishing #рыбалка #釣魚 #pesca #mancing #mefik #rustyjobfish #rubytail @dikapartama03 — from Instagram By mefik4 недели назад